The Leibniz Research Alliance Nanosafety deals with safety and security issues concerning nanomaterials and nanoproducts. The central aims are to UNDERSTAND nanoparticle-induced effects, to DEVELOP safe nanomaterials and to EXPLAIN nano-related questions. Further, we are working on establishing a RESEARCH DATA INFRASTRUCTURE that allows public access and subsequent use of our nanosafety data. This will set the ground work for an improved and traceable risk assessment and regulation.
The alliance connects seven Leibniz Institutes which are devoted to materials science, cell biology, health and toxicology, occupational health and safety, scientific databases and knowledge communication.
Interactions between nanomaterials and human cells, tissues and organs
Design of safe nanomaterials
Perception and public discourse around all topics nano
Build a infrastructure for research data management for nanosafety-related research
The Leibniz Research Alliance Nanosafety was established in 2012 as one of several research alliances of the Leibniz Association. After 8 years (corresponding to 2 funding periods) of research on the many aspects of nanosafety, the members of the Leibniz Research Alliance Nanosafety decided to broaden the focus of their activities and to transfer their expertise to the investigation of the safety of advanced materials as Leibniz Research Alliance Advanced Materials Safety, with a broadened and deepened expertise to meet the new challenges of the topic.